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Madison Metropolitan School District

Student Activities and Interests

Student Leadership Opportunities

Glenn Stephens' students are leaders! You can be a leader by being part of Student Council, Safety Patrol, or a Peaceful Playground helper.  We also have Lunchroom Helpers.

Technology and Computers

Each grade level has a Chromebook cart they have access to. Through classroom activities and lessons, teachers use Chromebooks to extend the learning. Students also interact with a computer through REACH class, where they learn how to use the world wide web as well as create documents using various programs. 

Fun Fair

Sponsored by the PTO, each classroom creates a fair booth for a Saturday filled with games, prizes, food, and fun.

Field Trips

Field trips give you a chance to take learning outside your school environment.

Physical Education

You can find yourself sledding at Garner Park, snow shoeing, rollerblading, bowling at a local bowling center and even playing Quidditch.

Safety Patrol

As a fifth grade student, you can volunteer to serve the students of the school by assisting with the after school Safety Patrol Program.

Talent Show

Students have the opportunity to participate in the Spring Talent Show, either on the stage or as part of the production crew. This annual event has become a school highlight. Performances include singing, dancing, comedy, cultural and ethnic performances, musicians, and magic. Start planning your act now!

Book Fair

Families and students can buy books at the Book Fair. Books can also be purchased and donated to the school library.


Fifth graders have a chance to participate in our Strings program. You'll learn lots of songs and will participate in the All City Concert and one recital at school.

Book Share

This is a great way to share and recycle books that you have at home but don't read anymore. Kids bring in books and then each class gets to visit the Book Share to pick out "new" books to take home.

Talented and Gifted Programs and Additional Opportunities

Interested students compete in spelling bees, geography bees, or a chess tournament.

Family Nights

Bring your family members in to see your work and your classroom at our Fall ice cream social/open house.  In addition don't miss our movie night, science fair talent show, school dance and other evening activities.